Fish Mason Has Caught
Thumb Lake
The splake is a fascinating hybrid fish resulting from the crossbreeding of a male brook trout and a female lake trout. Due to their limited reproduction, splake are prized as a sport fish in numerous lakes across the US. Fishery managers can effectively regulate population numbers due to their remarkably low spawning success rate.
Upper Chain of Lakes Antrim County Michigan
Crappies are two species of freshwater fish native to North America and belong to the sunfish family. These species of crappies have gained popularity as game fish among recreational anglers across North America. Not only are crappies highly regarded as panfish, but they are also widely recognized as one of the most delicious freshwater food fish available.
Upper Manistee River
Brown Trout
The brown trout is a species of salmonid ray-finned fish and is known for being widely distributed. It is native to Europe, West Asia, and certain areas of North Africa. This trout has been successfully introduced in various regions around the world as a game fish. Its ability to thrive in different environments have contributed to its worldwide success.
Upper Manistee River
The walleye, also known as the yellow pike, yellow pickerel, or yellow pikeperch, is a freshwater perciform fish native to most of Canada and the Northern United States. Widely recognized for its delicious taste, the walleye is a highly sought-after catch for both recreational and commercial fishing purposes.
Upper Chain of Lakes Antrim County Michigan
Blue Gill
The bluegill, also known as "bream," "brim," "sunny," or commonly referred to as "copper nose" in Texas, is a captivating species of freshwater fish found in streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands east of the Rocky Mountains.
Upper Chain of Lakes Antrim County Michigan
Rock Bass
The rock bass is a freshwater fish that is part of the sunfish family. Rock bass are found in St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes, Mississippi River basin, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Missouri, Arkansas, Savannah River, Eastern US from New York to Florida.
Tee Lake
Largemouth Bass
The largemouth bass, a predatory fish found in freshwater in North America, is a favorite catch for anglers due to its strong resistance and thrilling fight when hooked. Native to regions across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, these fish are known for their carnivorous nature and are a prized target for fishing enthusiasts.
ICW New Smyrna Beach
Red drum, also known as redfish, is a type of fish that can be found in the Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to Florida, and in the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Mexico. Redfish are popular with recreational fishers for being fun to catch. Restrictions placed on fishing have helped the species recover from overfishing.
ICW New Smyrna Beach
The Sheepshead, also known as Sheepshead, Seabream or Convict Fish, is a fascinating marine species belonging to the Sparidae family, which includes seabreams and porgies. It can be found in the Western Atlantic Ocean. This exceptional fish holds great significance for both recreational and commercial fisheries, making it a prized catch.
Jordan River
Coho Salmon
The coho salmon is a species of anadromous fish in the salmon family and one of the five Pacific salmon species. Coho salmon are also known as silver salmon or "silvers". Coho salmon was introduced into the Great Lakes in the 1960s, offering a good sport fishing opportunity for anglers.
Torch Lake
Yellow Perch
The Yellow Perch, commonly known as perch, striped perch, or preacher, is a freshwater perciform fish that is found throughout North America. It is commonly found in the rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean and Hudson Bay. This includes the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River, and Mississippi River basins.
Jordan River
Rainbow Trout
Rainbow trout is a type of trout that lives in cold-water streams connected to the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. Wild-caught and hatchery-reared forms of this species have been introduced in at least 45 countries around the world for food or sport, except Antarctica.
Drummond Island Lake Huron
Lampreys (sometimes inaccurately called lamprey eels) are a group of jawless fish. The adult lamprey is characterized by a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. Lampreys are caught attached to Great Lakes Salmon and Trout and are invasive to the Great Lakes.
Torch Lake
Atlantic Salmon (Land Locked Salmon)
The Atlantic salmon is the third-largest species within its family. It is highly praised for its delicate flavor and is considered a healthy food enjoyed in various cultures. Land Locked Atlantic salmon are mainly found in inland lakes, rivers, and the Great Lakes, especially Lake Huron.
Boyne River
King Salmon (Chinook Salmon)
The Chinook salmon is the largest and most valuable species of Pacific salmon. King salmon was introduced into the Great Lakes in the 1960s, offering a good sport fishing opportunity for anglers.
ICW New Smyrna Beach
Jack Travel
The crevalle jack is one of the largest members of Caranx, growing to a known maximum length of 125 cm and a weight of 32 kg. The crevalle jack lives in warm and moderate waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is found along the American coast and also the coastlines of Africa and Europe.
Drummond Island
Smallmouth Bass
The smallmouth bass is a freshwater fish species belonging to the sunfish family. The fish prefers clear water and can be found in streams, rivers, rocky areas, stumps, sandy lake and reservoir bottoms. This helps differentiate it from the largemouth bass.
Drummond Island Lake Huron
Lake Trout
The lake trout is a freshwater fish found in northern North America's lakes. It is also referred to as siscowet, paperbelly, or lean in Lake Superior. This species is highly valued for both recreational fishing and as a source of food.